Mike Kara Presents - 
Television Program

With My totally awesome Pal - Ronald McDonald

Mike Kara Presents....
Cable & Internet Television Program
To Watch Segments Click Here



Mike Kara Presents..... 
Television Program

Roaming America

Check Out Alot of My Mike Kara Presents Segments on YouTube at

Welcome to The Official website for The Internet Television Program - "Mike Kara Presents...".

I feature civic groups, The Jaycees, Lions Club, VFW Posts,
radio stations, Charitable foundations, anything in the Community world. If there is a group that is doing good I would like to cover it.

My show is unique because it actually is three shows in one.
First there is a voice-over or narration, done by Me, to give
You an introduction of what is happening. Second, is actual
interviews from the people that are running a particular
event or organization. I often get all My information from
"The Horse's Mouth" to ensure the most accurate description
of what is going on. And third, is the footage of the event or
what is happening that day itself. 

To Watch Segments, Visit my YouTube Channel at http://www.youtube.com/mkptv 

Here on my YouTube Channel you can watch all my segments from many moons ago, and watch both standard cable edits and special extended internet edits. At this sight you can also check out all my projects, as well Disney Attraction and Show Videos, band videos, etc.

Easy Tip for finding a particular segment on my YouTube page -
Finding the segment you are looking for amongst almost 300 videos may sound like a real challenge, but it really isn't. First click see all on the top and then simply find the search box on the top of my YouTube Channel Page, and type in key words of the name of the segment or just the month and year you remember seeing the segment on cable. Let's say you are looking a segment and saw the particular segment aired in June 2009 on cable. Just type June 2009 in the search box and those segments should pop right up and you should be able to determine which segment you saw and want. Or put in keywords of what you remember the segment to be about.

So on behalf of My Television Program, I welcome You to My website!

Michael J Kara
Executive Producer/Host
"Mike Kara Presents...

Did You know??
You can watch Mike Kara Presents... Right from this website!
If You have a computer You "get" Mike Kara Presents...
Please Click

Check Out Alot of My Mike Kara Presents
 Segments on YouTube

  Copyright 2015 Mike Kara Media Group
                                                                       e-mail - mikekara@gmx.com